6 Things You Will Learn From AAAMS’s Liposuction Training 201

The American Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery offers a robust liposuction training course for practitioners of any skill level. The Basic Liposuction Training (LIPO 201) is one of the virtual and self-paced aesthetic courses that introduces the foundation for understanding tumescent liposuction and liposculpting. It is a prerequisite for the advanced aesthetic training program, which provides further skills and liposuction certifications to those who complete the class. Enrolling in these classes will put you one step closer to your liposculpting career goals.
Here are six things you will learn from AAAMS’s liposuction training.
History of Tumescent Liposuction and Liposculpting
One of the first topics covered in the training is the history of liposuction. This serves as the foundation of your education and leads you into the basics of the procedure and how it is performed on patients.
Fundamentals & Techniques
Depending on the needs of your clients, you may need to use a variety of techniques to get the desired results. AAAMS offers in-depth aesthetic training on several different techniques, such as microcannula liposculpting, power-assisted liposculpting, ultrasound liposculpting and laser liposculpting in the 201 course. Once you cover these basics, you will be able to move on to the advanced class where you will work hands-on with real patients.
Complications of the Procedure
An important part of performing liposuction is to understand the possible complications and outcomes of the procedure. Avoiding mistakes is crucial to a successful outcome and satisfied patients. Possible complications will be addressed, and ways to treat them will be explained. You will also go over the risks of systemic anesthesia and its effects on patients post procedure. Another important part of risk management is pre- and post-liposuction/liposculpting care. Informing patients about how to properly care for themselves after their procedure will help ensure that they have a smooth recovery, improving customer experience.
Relevant post: Top 4 Reasons Why Liposuction Training Can Benefit Your Practice
Practice Management Training
Talking to patients and leading successful consultations is what will set your practice apart from others. In these liposuction courses, you will learn the skills that will enhance patient conversations and grow your practice. Patient consult training includes handling inquiries from potential clients and how to approach the consultation process as well as obstacles that may come up and how to manage them.
Liposuction Advanced Training
Advanced Liposuction Training (LIPO 301) is a 3-day comprehensive in-person training at the AAAMS headquarters in Beverly Hills, CA. This course builds on the prerequisite 201 course, advancing the principles and skills learned. One focus of the course is to ensure that you have the knowledge that is necessary to provide a safe environment for future patients. This course moves beyond reading and diagrams and into observational training led by experts in the field. As you progress through this course, you will prepare for hands-on training.
Hands-On Training and Surgical Techniques
A key part of this program is hands-on experience, and you will have the opportunity to perform your own tumescent liposuction and liposculpting on real patients. You will be able to practice the techniques you’ve learned about performing liposcultping procedures as well as how to handle liposculpting care. Different parts of the body will be focused on throughout the program, so a diverse number of procedures are taught.
At AAAMS, we welcome any practitioner who is interested in aesthetic medicine to enroll in our liposuction course. Trained professionals will demonstrate and teach you how to perform liposuction for a variety of needs, providing you with the skills needed to address any client concerns. Visit AAAMS to enroll today!
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