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Aesthetic nursing careers

Guide to Nonsurgical Facelifts

The pursuit of eternal youth has been underway for centuries now, and it doesn’t seem to be showing signs of ending anytime soon. Luckily, however, it no longer necessitates a

AAAMS botox and filler certification

Benefits of Offering Botox at Your Practice

If you walk up to a random person on the street and ask them what Botox is, they’ll likely know. The brand of the original (and best-known) neuromodulator has become

A logo featuring a shield with four sections containing a syringe, an open book, a flag with a star, and a medical symbol representing aesthetic medicine. The letters "AAAMS" appear at the top.

How to Open a New Aesthetic Medicine Practice

Aesthetics is a growing, profitable and rewarding part of the medical field. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the specialist career to grow 17% from 2021 to 2031. As the industry grows, many

botox training for dental hygienists

Can Dentists & Dental Hygienists Do Botox?

The surge in Botox’s popularity is music to medical providers’ ears for a few reasons. These procedures are minimally invasive, easy to perform, low risk and profitable for medical practices.

advantages of aaams membership

Advantages of Becoming a Member of AAAMS

The American Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (AAAMS) is a leading accredited association committed to raising the knowledge, skills and standards in medical aesthetics. Since 2006, we’ve been training

A logo featuring a shield with four sections containing a syringe, an open book, a flag with a star, and a medical symbol representing aesthetic medicine. The letters "AAAMS" appear at the top.

Aesthetic Medicine Trends

You know there’s something big going on when McKinsey & Co. starts paying attention. McKinsey & Co., the world’s premier corporate consulting firm and the definitive source for all things

aesthetic nurse practitioner

Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner Skills

Are you a nurse practitioner wondering if aesthetic medicine is right for you? Being in the aesthetic profession can lead to a very lucrative career, and transitioning to medical aesthetics is easier than

A person with light-colored eyes and brown hair smiles brightly against a pink background, with their hands near their face.

How to Add Aesthetic Medicine to Your Practice

Aesthetics is a growing, profitable and rewarding part of the medical field. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the specialist career to grow 17% from 2021 to 2031. As the industry grows, many

A logo featuring a shield with four sections containing a syringe, an open book, a flag with a star, and a medical symbol representing aesthetic medicine. The letters "AAAMS" appear at the top.

The Best Summertime Botox Courses for Nurses

Ah, the dog days of summer. Lazy days at the beach. Backyard barbecues. Sundresses, Bermudas, and flip-flops. And Botox training.  Botox training? Yep, Botox training.  We get it. When you

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