How to Grow Your Social Media Presence in Medical Aesthetics

A person is holding a smartphone in one hand and using the other hand to touch the screen.

If you’re wondering how to grow a medical practice, social media is an invaluable resource. When you open a med spa, social media marketing can help you build a trustworthy reputation and reach a wider audience. Understanding how to grow a med spa business with the right resources is the first step toward operating a successful aesthetics practice.

The Importance of Having a Social Media Presence in Medical Aesthetics

When it comes to medical aesthetics, social media is one of the best methods to grow your audience and attract more patients. Social media is always growing, making it an essential part of reaching your target audience. People use social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to learn, connect with others, discover ideas, share recommendations and discover new products and services.

The greater your social media presence is, the more individuals you can reach. Consider the following ways social media can benefit your business:

  • Image or reputation: High-quality social media content can help you grow a positive image or reputation. Your posts, captions and comments are some of the first images and words people will associate with your practice, so your online presence is an excellent way to influence how people view your services.
  • Trust: Sharing your expertise online helps build trust in potential patients. Individuals are more likely to trust practices they view as knowledgeable and experienced, and you can present your skillfulness and professionalism through well-planned infographics and videos.
  • Revenue: A strong social media presence can significantly boost your revenue. You can use informative posts, captions and videos to attract more people to your services.

Tips to Grow Your Practice’s Social Media

Understanding how to grow your medical aesthetic practice is essential, especially if you are getting started in the field. You can grow your practice’s social media presence with the following tips:

Focus on Engagement

Social media engagement refers to the interactions people have with your content. Higher engagement levels increase the number of people you can reach, and audiences typically engage with content in the following ways:

  • Profile clicks
  • Call-to-action clicks such as ‘Contact Us’ or ‘Buy Now’ button clicks
  • Comments and likes on your content
  • Content shares
  • Posts that tag your pages
  • Direct messages, such as the ones people send to your page and the responses you send
  • Comments you leave on other pages’ posts
  • Length of time people stay on your page or watch your videos

Social media platforms track engagement to determine what type of content people enjoy and want to see more of. Each site uses an algorithm to determine which content it shows to a wider audience, and it pushes your posts to more people if it determines your content is popular. You can increase engagement by responding to messages and comments promptly, answering any questions people have and thanking them for their support.

Stay on Trend

Following social media trends is an excellent way to reach more people. A trend is a popular song, dance, phrase, sound or challenge that circulates on a social media platform. People may post themselves performing a popular dance or create a tutorial on a trending topic, and it has the chance to go viral if enough viewers engage with it.

When it comes to medical aesthetics, social media trends play a significant role in the procedures people seek. Instagram and TikTok filters present a level of beauty people want to have in real life, and aesthetic procedures can help them achieve or get close to their desired look.

Posting content related to the latest social media trends can help you boost engagement. For example, you can post a tutorial on a popular skincare trend and then discuss how your services deliver greater results. The trick is to tailor the trend to your unique offerings while providing the information or entertainment people are currently seeking.

Create Shareable Content

Shareable content consists of photos, videos and linked content that people are likely to share with others. They may repost it to their own page or send it to a friend via a private message, helping your content reach more individuals. You can create shareable content by making sure it meets some or all of the following qualities:

  • Purposeful
  • Authentic
  • Useful or valuable to your audience
  • Inspirational
  • Entertaining
  • Relatable
  • Thought-provoking
  • Timely

Post Consistently

Consistent posting is essential because social media platforms and algorithms push your content to your followers to test if they continue engaging with it. The more often you post, the more likely your followers are to like, share and comment on your content so the algorithm continues showing it to more users.

Showcase Expertise

While engagement, trends, shareability and consistency are important, showcasing your expertise should be your top priority. Your knowledge and professionalism can increase the trust viewers have in your practice and services, so expressing your skills is essential.

Joining a reputable network such as The American Association of Aesthetic Medicine & Surgery (AAAMS) can significantly enhance your reputation. The AAAMS medical network supports aesthetic professionals through comprehensive training and networking opportunities, setting the international training standard in aesthetic surgery and medicine. Sign up for aesthetics courses to increase your expertise and add the AAAMS certification to your list of accreditations.

Share Testimonials

Sharing testimonials on social media is one of the most effective ways to increase your target audience’s trust in your services. Any practice can claim it offers the greatest skills and outcomes, but testimonials prove that your past patients love their results.

Generate Ads

A well-planned social media ad campaign can boost your social media presence and drive traffic to your pages and website. Running an ad campaign enables you to push promotional materials to targeted demographics, helping you reach the individuals who are most likely to find your services valuable.

Attract More Patients With AAAMS Certification

Understanding how to grow a med spa is essential if you want to run a successful aesthetics practice. With the right training, recognized certifications, patient testimonials and social media marketing tactics, you can outperform the competition and reach a wider audience.

Social media is rapidly growing and has become one of the primary ways people learn about available services and new businesses. Growing your social media presence and joining a reputable aesthetics medicine training network can increase your client base and boost your revenue. AAAMS is the United States’ only association that provides members with an aesthetic social network platform where they can network with professionals in the aesthetics field and enhance their learning.

With AAAMS certification, you can build a trustworthy reputation, grow your business and reach a wider audience. Contact us to learn more about joining the AAAMS network and expanding your reach.

Posted on behalf of The American Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (AAAMS)

640 South San Vicente, Suite 410
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Phone: (310) 274-9955

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM