5 Myths About Aesthetic Medicine You Can’t Afford to Believe

A logo featuring a shield with four sections containing a syringe, an open book, a flag with a star, and a medical symbol representing aesthetic medicine. The letters "AAAMS" appear at the top.

The art and science of human beauty have intrigued humans for millennia. Studies show that we prefer to look at faces rather than inanimate objects from the moment we are born. And it’s no wonder that when we encounter a person that we find stunningly beautiful, we use words like transfixed, stunned, enchanted, and spellbound to describe the experience.  

Perhaps it’s precise because human beauty can cast such a mysterious spell on us that the field of aesthetic medicine is more prone than others to give rise to various myths. In this piece, we’ll dispel five you can’t afford to believe, proving that things are not always as they may appear. 

1. Aesthetic Medicine is a New Field 

With all the high-tech that goes into today’s aesthetic medicine, it’s easy to think it’s a relatively new field. But aesthetic medicine has existed since antiquity. Consider this: 

  • Ancient Egyptian royalty created face masks of highly acidic crocodile dung and river mud that functioned on the same principles as contemporary chemical peels. 
  • Members of the medieval aristocracy used poison from the deadly nightshade plant to dilate their pupils. (The parallels between the use of this poison and modern-day nature-derived neurotoxin injectables like Botox are unmistakable.) 
  • In Victorian England, women of the upper class used mercury and arsenic to lighten their skin. 

So, although the products, tools, techniques, and equipment that comprise today’s aesthetic medicine are decidedly high-tech and extensively safety tested, aesthetic medicine itself is almost as old as human history.   

2. Aesthetic Medicine is Just About Vanity 

Of all myths and misconceptions related to aesthetic medicine, this might be the most misguided and hurtful. Claiming that aesthetic medicine is just about vanity is akin to saying that cosmetics, fashion, and hair styling are just about vanity. 

But by its very definition, vanity doesn’t have anything to do with the natural and poignant human desire to look beautiful and to be perceived as attractive. Instead, vanity is about something much different. It’s about behaving as though the only thing that really matters is looking beautiful and being perceived as attractive. 

And let’s also remember that vanity doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with aesthetics—it can creep into absolutely any area of life for which we receive praise and recognition (like academic achievement, sports performance, business success, and so forth). For this reason, it’s a mistake to think that vanity is limited to aesthetics, or those aesthetics are just about vanity.  

You can be a fan of medical aesthetics without being vain, insecure, or lacking in self-acceptance. Getting Botox or dermal filler injections can even be an expression of self-care, provided you’re caring as well for your inside as you are your outside! (After all, they go hand in hand.)  

3. Aesthetic Medicine is Almost Entirely Female-Focused

Males represent one of the fastest-growing demographics among consumers of aesthetic medicine. With men feeling freer to invest in their appearance without the fear of judgment, more and more men are opting for Botox, dermal fillers, and a host of other non-invasive cosmetic procedures. 

The rising demand for medical aesthetics among male consumers poses unique challenges for medical estheticians. Due to naturally existing differences between male and female facial aesthetics, aestheticians must acquire equal expertise in assessing and treating these demographics.

4. Aesthetic Medicine Holds Few Job Opportunities

The global medical aesthetics market is projected to reach USD 19 billion by 2027, up from USD 9.4 billion in 2020. Between the growing popularity of minimally invasive and non-invasive aesthetic procedures, rising demand for these services among males and older individuals increased media exposure, and the continued emergence of technologically advanced and easy-to-adopt aesthetics products, aesthetic medicine is absolutely booming. 

This means there are currently record-breaking aesthetic medicine job opportunities for both male and female practitioners. That’s why acquiring skills in aesthetic medicine or expanding your current skill set with aesthetic training can lead to increased job opportunities, job satisfaction and security, and career advancement.  

Related post: Why Pursue a Career in Aesthetic Medicine?

5. Aesthetic Medicine is a Difficult Field to Get Into

Provided you’re already a registered nurse, physician’s assistant, physician, dentist, or another licensed medical practitioner, entry into the field of aesthetic medicine is much easier than you might assume. 

At AAAMS, our leading and fully accredited Botox training and Dermal Filler training courses put high-quality instruction and continuing education within easy reach. As the industry’s leading virtual training platform, we offer thoughtfully designed courses for every experience level.  

AAAMS has trained thousands of medical professionals in art and science. With the mysteriously captivating spell that human beauty casts upon all of us, there are few fields of medical practice that can be more compelling. Visit us today to learn more about our training courses and our world-class professional aesthetics network to take the next step on your journey! 

Posted on behalf of The American Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (AAAMS)

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Los Angeles, CA 90048

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