7 Tips on Hiring the Right Staff for Your Practice

medical practitioners

When hiring new staff for your practice, the number of factors to take into consideration can make the hiring process seem like a full-time job.

So, just what are the most important things to consider when filling that staff opening? We’ve got seven tips to help guide you through the process of finding the ideal fit.

Know what you need

The first, most important thing to do before doing any hiring is to identify exactly what your needs are when it comes to staffing. What’s the ideal number of staff, and what are the specific skills and responsibilities that must be taken into account in order to most efficiently serve your clients?

For smaller practices, your team might simply include yourself, a direct treatment provider (unless you’re handling those responsibilities on your own), a receptionist, and perhaps an injector or aesthetician. 

For larger practices that team might be supplemented by additional aestheticians as well as such positions as a medical assistant, a medical director, a care coordinator, a practice manager, and possibly a marketing associate.

Look in the right places

Of course, there is a wide variety of recruiting sites on which you can post job ads. Some of these include Indeed, LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, Simply Hired, Glassdoor, Monster, and AmSpa’s job board. Some sites allow for free listings while others charge fees, so the budget will be a factor in deciding which sites to go with.

Perhaps a more effective way to go, however, is to start with your existing network. Your existing trusted employees can be a great resource for connecting you with talented, like-minded prospects with whom they may have worked previously. 

Vendors and sales reps also speak with dozens of clients on an ongoing basis. If someone in your area is looking for a position, they may be a good resource to explore.

The right tool for the job

Once you’ve identified the general staffing needs for your practice, it’s time to nail down the skills and characteristics required for the position you’re currently trying to fill. And these characteristics shouldn’t be limited just to professional skills. 

Think about the kind of credentials that you’d like in a team member, but also consider the types of personalities that you’d like to join your team. Now prioritize those skills and characteristics.

At interview time, translate those priorities into questions tailored to each role. Use those questions to illuminate how each potential hire fits the bill.

Attitude first

And speaking of those personality traits, it’s important to consider that a less experienced hire with a positive, team-oriented attitude can often trump a more experienced hire whose enthusiasm or personality just doesn’t mesh with the rest of your team.

Of course, when hiring medical team members, skills are going to be more of a consideration, but for positions like receptionist or care coordinator, a positive attitude can often outweigh a comparative lack of experience. 

Hire for attitude. Teach for skills.

Involve your team

There are many advantages to be had by involving your current aesthetics team in the evaluation and hiring process. 

First of all, depending upon the size and volume of your practice, you often just can’t do it all yourself. An office manager or even another member of your current team can often be tasked with pre-screening applications to make sure only the top prospects make it onto your plate.

The advantages for you are less stress and more time to spend on other important aspects of your practices. You’ll also be improving your chances of finding a candidate that fits your needs while also fitting in well with the team.

Background checks

While we’d all like to believe in the basic honesty of our fellow humans, according to a study conducted by CareerBuilder, 58 percent of hiring managers have caught false information on a potential employee’s resume.

Do background checks and employment verification. It may be a hassle, but it’s well worth the effort.

Be prepared

When it comes time to interview, it’s not a good idea to just wander into the room and “wing it.” Make sure you’ve got a somewhat structured interview prepared, but be ready to improvise if something catches your interest.

Some things to remember when interviewing include:

  • Curiosity – Be curious about why they’ve decided to apply for this position or pursue this career. Find out what makes them tick. Don’t just be satisfied with whether they can do the job. Find out why they want to.
  • Open-ended questions – Give them the chance to show some communication skills. Yes and no questions don’t tell you much, but “tell me about yourself” leaves a lot more room for exploration.
  • Motivation – Find out what they know about you. If they haven’t taken the time to learn about your practice, they might not be the motivated go-getter you’re looking for.
  • Let them ask questions – It not only gives you an indication of what they might expect as an employee, but it can also help identify the motivation mentioned above.

Hiring for your aesthetics practice is one of the most important aspects of going into business as an aesthetics medical provider. For more on starting an aesthetics practice, take a look at our course, Introduction to the Business of Aesthetics.

Posted on behalf of The American Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (AAAMS)

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